Thursday, November 29, 2012

Opinions and Info Please

So...I've always been an Android girl.  In fact, for some unknown reason I have adamantly rejected even the idea of the iPhone. As I have been talking to friends and family, they are trying to convince me to jump on Apple's band wagon...

So I ask of you...
Should I cross over or stay put in the comfort of my Samsung????? What's the verdict?


  1. LOL, Nicole, just went through this with some adamantly pro-Apple family members who went so far as to tell us if we didn't get our college-age daughter an iPad (as opposed to the Android device SHE wanted) it was child abuse!!! She's got the Android.

    I know there are a lot of good reasons to like Apple. For me, I am very uncomfortable with their top-down, dictatorial attitude about what apps you can use, etc. I'm much more comfortable with the whole Android-open-source philosophy. I'm sticking with Android -- phone, tablet, everything.

    1. I did some research and I did find out that the data overage issues I am having are common with the Samsung phones. They make great TVs but phones...not so much. My hundreds of emails that I recieve on a daily basis are constantly re-downloading every time I check my I go over my data plan by a gig every few hours...SMH
